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Dan Groth is an artist currently residing in Portland, Oregon. He grew up near Boulder, CO; went to college in Decorah, IA; and spent many years in lovely Durango, CO.

His current "thing" is to take a lot of dots and turn them into wierd pictures, but in the past (and the future), he has done large-scale watercolors, single-frame cartoons about Satan, serious landscapes, archaeological illustrations, and set-piece design for a play. In addition to the visual arts, Dan plays bass guitar, acts, reads spectacularly bad poetry, writes witticisms, and flips eggs. Since those cannot be currently displayed in this "web" format on this "webpage", you'll have to take his word for it. In short, he has many talents.

He is not one to boast, however, so he has been known to speak in 3rd person about himself in a boastful manner so as to diminish his boastful nature while still trying to toot his own horn. And take it from me, he can toot a horn.

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