PsychoNot Film

The soundtrack to A Way from Scuzztown is complete! Find out details HERE.

The film 'A Way from Scuzztown,' is currently a work in progress. MJ and filmmaker Stephen Kane are currently hashing out the design and film scheduling. Anyone interested in assisting with the making of the film, please contact us! Filming will take place primarily in the San Francisco Bay Area and Lake County. Set and puppet designers currently needed. Possible assistance will also be needed with filming.

Our very own NotArtist MJ is pleased to announce the beginning of an endeavour into the visual world. He's working on the soundtrack and story for a movie tentatively titled "A Way from Scuzztown." It'll be an epic masterpiece of aural and visual insanity, complete with puppets and music to cramp up to. We're all very excited and will be keeping you all closely updated on the progress. We'll also let you know the people involved as the events unfold. This should be one bad-ass project once completed.

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